WHY work with a digitization consultant? Much of the documentation of dance’s recent past is held on fragile, obsolete video formats, which will deteriorate and become unplayable unless they are transferred to digital files. DVDs are also unreliable for long-term storage and, because they are highly compressed, result in loss of image quality. If you are planning to digitize your videos, it is important to take the right steps to plan a successful and feasible project.
WHAT is involved? A consultant can help to review scope and condition of your AV materials and assist with curation/selection, identification of vendors, creation or revision of metadata, and development of sustainable storage plan.
WHO is the consultant? Dance/USA’s Archiving & Preservation team may act as the digitization consultant or may assist in the selection and overseeing of a qualified consultant.
Note: all quotes for digitization will cover only the consultant’s time and does not include costs of digitizing, which must be acquired directly from digitization vendors, or purchase of hard drives for storage.