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Dance/USA Task Force on Dancer Health Information Papers

July 29, 2020

CONTACT: Johanna Tschebull

The Dance/USA Task Force on Dancer Health regularly publishes information papers on a range of topics important in the professional dance community. These can be found on the Dance/USA website. 

The Task Force on Dancer Health recently updated one of the papers, COVID-19 FAQ for Dancers and Dance Companies Returning to the StudiosThe update concerns recommendations about sanitizing dance flooring. Find the relevant language from the paper below in italics, with the updated phrase in bold and italics:

It is recommended that once a day, the floors should be cleaned as usual, followed by a cleaning with 90+ alcohol in a sprayer spread by a mop to spread the solution. The mop pad should be washed with soap and hot water in the washing machine between uses.

Previously, the paper suggested washing the mop pad with bleach. If a mop is used with alcohol the Task Force on Dancer Health recommends cleaning with soap and water in a washing machine instead of bleach to avoid any possible reaction between the two though the alcohol evaporates very quickly. 

Learn More about the Task Force on Dancer Health Information Papers
Find all the Information papers on the Dance/USA website. Below is a list of the most recently published papers:

  • Wound Care for Dancers
  • What You Should Know about Vegan and Vegetarian Diets
  • COVID-19: Ideas for Staying in Shape during Social Isolation Restrictions 
  • Return to Dancing and Training Considerations Due to COVID-19 
  • Pregnancy in Dance 
  • Post Partum Guidelines for Dancers 

Questions? If you have any questions, please contact

About Dance/USA
Propelled by our belief that dance can inspire a more just and humane world, Dance/USA will amplify the power of dance to inform and inspire a nation where creativity and the field thrive.

Dance/USA is the national service organization for the professional dance field. Established in 1982, Dance/USA champions an inclusive and equitable dance field by leading, convening, advocating, and supporting individuals and organizations.  Dance/USA’s core programs are focused in the areas of engagement, advocacy, research, and preservation. Learn more about Dance/USA at