Dance/USA Invites Nominations of Candidates to Join its Board of Trustees

May 1, 2024

Contact: Johanna Tschebull

Dance/USA’s Governance Committee is currently accepting nominations for potential candidates to be added to Dance/USA’s 2025 slate of new Trustees to join the Board and serve a 3-year term to commence on January 1, 2025 and conclude on December 31, 2028. 

We invite you to share your suggested nominees by completing this form. The due date to submit candidate suggestions is Monday, July 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST.   

You will be asked to provide the following information about the candidate(s) you are nominating:  

  • Name and contact information 
  • Current bio  
  • Location 
  • Website and/or social media handles 
  • Why you believe this person would be a good addition to the Dance/USA Board of Trustees at this time 
  • Your contact information

The Dance/USA Governance Committee is seeking new Trustee nominations that represent the multiplicity of racial and ethnic diversity; geographic location; and skill sets with an intention of being inclusive of and centering voices that have been historically excluded from positions of power within the dance ecosystem. Members of the Board are selected based on their experience in, knowledge of, and passion for dance, and their willingness to share their expertise in humble service of the dance ecosystem.   

It is a strategic priority of Dance/USA to place at the center of its decision-making people who are of Native and BIPOC descent, LGBTQIA+, identify as Deaf (including deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, and DeafBlind), and/or Disabled or Neurodiverse, and whose artistic practice is rooted in equity.  

Additionally, we seek Trustees whose artistic expression is reflective of percussive dance and digital-first genres. It is paramount that we also identify Trustees with legal, HR, marketing, technology, finance, and fundraising expertise, and Dance/ USA encourages nominees of individuals who are from industries adjacent to dance/the performing arts and those with knowledge of nonprofit business practices, particularly 501(c)(3) regulations. Nominations of individuals from the South/Southeast and Mountain West regions of the United States is desired. 

The Dance/USA Board of Trustees connects a multiplicity of perspectives from within the dance ecosystem that authentically represent the depth and breadth of the national dance community. All Trustees must be committed to Dance/USA’s Vision and Mission; embody Dance/USA’s core values of Connectivity, Creativity, Equity, and Integrity; and be willing to support the advancement and amplification of our core services of Advocacy, Archiving & Preservation, Leadership & Learning, and Research.  

The Dance/USA Board of Trustees is a “working Board,” which is “an informal term that has emerged to describe a governance setting where [B]oard members perform not only their fiduciary and strategic duties, but also partner with [members of an organization’s team] to fulfill management and technical functions” (Board Source, 2013), and shall include the Executive Director, elected Trustees, Board Committees, and Trustees who are members of Impact Groups.  

Trustees serve a three-year term, with the option to renew for a second three years (a total of six years of Board service). Learn about the required commitments and responsibilities of the Dance/USA Board of Trustees on the Dance/USA website, below the listing of the Board of Trustees. Responsibilities are reviewed by Board leadership annually and subject to change.  

Learn about the Dance/USA Board of Trustees and Dance/USA’s Vision and Mission Statement, Core Values, and Strategic Plan.  

Equal consideration will be given to those who self-nominate or are nominated by a peer. If you are nominating a peer, the Governance Committee respectfully requests that you do NOT contact your nominee to gauge their interest, availability, or for any other reason. Please connect with Britney Tokumoto, Operations Specialist and Board Liaison, with any questions or concerns.  

About Dance/USA
Propelled by our belief that dance can inspire a more just and humane world, Dance/USA will amplify the power of dance to inform and inspire a nation where creativity and the field thrive.

Established in 1982, Dance/USA champions an inclusive and equitable dance field by leading, convening, advocating, and supporting individuals and organizations. Dance/USA’s core programs are focused in the areas of engagement, advocacy, research, and preservation. Learn more about Dance/USA at

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