Mentoring the Next Generation of the Dance Field’s Leaders
Dance/USA has administered the mentorship and training of rising arts administrators through its Institute for Leadership Training since 2012. Read more on what mentors and mentees say about their experiences.
Boosting Audience Engagement by the Numbers
Want to boost your audience engagement? Reach more ticket buyers and build solid relationships with attendees? Where do you look for answers? The Wallace Foundation’s Daniel Windham would say, “What’s the data tell you?” Read on for more.
Donor Churn: The Hidden Trap
According to the 2016 Fundraising Effectiveness Survey by the Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Urban Institute, donor retention in 2015 was 46 percent. Read Ron Fredman’s suggestions on how to increase it.
Dance/USA’s 2017 Dance Forum Focuses on Engaging Audiences
Missed Dance/USA’s community Dance Forum last week, or just want a refresher? Read Karyn D.Collins’ report!
Development Dialogue: Bon Voyage
Considering a special trip or inviting donors on a company tour? Learn more about planning and executing a trip that will increase your donor commitment in our Development Dialogue.
Arts Insurance 101
Everything small and mid-sized dance companies need to know about performing arts insurance, but were afraid to ask. Arts insurance expert Bob Middleton shares must-have information for smaller dance companies for assessing insurance needs.
Dancing Around The World
In mid-2015, dancer/choreographer Nejla Y. Yatkin began a yearlong tour to engage, connect, and collaborate with people and sites around the world. Learn about Yatkin’s process for preparing for Dancing Around the World, which took her to 20 cities.
Fall 2016 Dance/USA Legislative Forecast
Check in on government appropriations for the NEA and the Arts in Education program. Get updated on preserving the charitable deduction, DOL’s overtime regulations, and stay on top of appropriate non-profit activity during the Presidential election.
Development Dialogue: The Challenge Comes Between Black and White
Nonprofit professionals deal in an ethical world where right and wrong are self-evident. In practice, however, there’s an awful lot of gray. Read Ron Fredman’s ruminations on the fuzzy subtleties — questionable temptations open to interpretation, even a tad of fudging — to set your moral compass.
Leadership Corner: Rosemary Johnson, Executive Director, Alabama Dance Council
Rosemary Johnson of Alabama Dance Council advises young arts leaders in this month’s Leadership Corner: “There’s a lot that you can learn in school, but that’s just the beginning. My learning has been primarily on-the-job training. Seek out new opportunities, try to get a variety of experiences, and avoid job hopping every year.