How To Find Help Understanding Coverage Options
With all of the new coverage options and requirements under the
Affordable Care Act, most people will need some help understanding their
coverage options and responsibilities under the Affordable Care Act.
Fortunately, the law creates a number of programs designed to provide
help online, over the phone, and in person.
Raising the Curtain on the Affordable Care Act
Few professionals have as keen a need as dancers to stay as healthy and injury-free as possible, yet health care coverage is by no means guaranteed in the dance world. The Affordable Care Act seeks to improve access to health insurance across the country, while also improving the quality and comprehensiveness of coverage for those who currently have it. Read on for more on the ACA written for the dancer and dance company.
Every Dancer Insured: An Affordable Care Act Primer
With the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, and its full
implementation beginning this past month in October 2013, it has now
become possible for every member of this group to obtain health
insurance with full benefits at a reasonable cost.
One of the most significant changes in health
insurance, is the option to purchase
insurance on the individual market, as many dancers do. Read on for more on this new insurance program and the options available.
Invitation to the Dance
Dance can be an intimidating art form for many, audience development leaders and presenters often hear from patrons or prospective patrons who are hesitant to attend modern dance concerts. Whether you find dance to be a familiar country, or worry you won’t “get
it” and will be out of the cultural loop, read on. Here are some
helpful guideposts from Jacob’s Pillow for seeing, discussing, and appreciating dance.
Ballet’s Biggest Annual Party: Freelancing ‘The Nutcracker’
The period between Black Friday and Boxing Day is
commonly the most financially rewarding for big and
small businesses alike. Ballet is no exception. During this period, ballet companies
across the country throw their biggest annual holiday party, which helps keep many a ballet company afloat, providing essential operating funds.
Just as big and small businesses benefit from holiday spending,
freelance dancers like Barry Kerollis benefit from The Nutcracker. Read on to see how this Philadelphia-based dancer navigates the ups and downs of Nutcracker madness.
At Holiday Time Ballet Trumps Pro-Football
Since when does ballet trump NFL football? When more than 300 craft and
Nutcracker-themed vendors and artisans overtake Reliant Center for the
Houston Ballet’s long-running annual pre-Christmastime event dubbed the
Nutcracker Market. In fact, dance lovers take note, the general manager
of Reliant Center, where the Houston Texans play their NFL home games
and a rodeo rides, each year ensures that a week in November gets set
aside for the ballet’s beloved annual Nutcracker Market.
What I Learned From Ballet
I am passionately in love with being onstage. It’s terrible. The
can’t-eat-can’t-sleep-euphoric kind of love. When you find that love
early in life it’s hard for much of anything else to stand up in
comparison. And when it does, you fall in deep because that’s the only
way you know how.
Ten Important Lessons in Asking for Charitable Gifts
Like books about how to become successful in business, how-to tomes
about fundraising for non-profits have multiplied over the past several
decades. As helpful as some of these works are about the mechanics of
establishing and maintaining a fundraising apparatus, precious little
has been written about what happens or should happen during the
face-to-face meeting between non-profit leaders/volunteers and donors,
the time when a specific gift is requested — the “High Noon” of
fundraising. Read on for ten succinct lessons on what
should and should not happen when we ask for a gift.
Is the Great Recession Over for the Arts?
The Great Recession that began in 2008 was the worst economic disaster
to hit America and the global economy since the Great Depression. While
the Great Recession is technically over as measured by economists,
millions of Americans are still out of work or have stopped searching
for work and some sectors of the economy still have not recovered.
What about the arts? Read on to see where the arts stand in the economic recovery.
A New Year’s Resolution for the Dance Field
My hope for all of us in 2014 is that we can practice and celebrate
self-determination. By self-determination I mean using our voices,
making our own frames of reference, and creating for ourselves. I want
us to be loud, and large, and powerful, both as individuals and as a
field. I want us to be a force to reckoned with. I am dance, hear me