Archiving Fellowships Blog: Cashion Cultural Legacy, Part 2
In her second blog post, Lacy shares how she contented with being an information professional without a dance background, and the methods she used to learn about dance while implementing archival processes.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: LEIMAY, Part 1
In the first of their blogs, Benja considers the particular needs, challenges, and gifts of an archive of multimedia, community-based, personal and artistic materials.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: Dianne Walker, Part 1
Isabel’s first blog post discusses how the Dianne Walker collection can reflect her career, honor the legacy of her mentors, and educate future generations about tap history.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: National Institute of Flamenco, Part 1
Amy’s first blog post explores NIF’s history, deep familial and community connections, and her own relationship to flamenco and this unique archive.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: Cashion Cultural Legacy, Part 1
Lacy shares her learnings and questions from the first couple weeks working on the digital collections of Cashion Cultural Legacy, a Mexican folkloric nonprofit, and reflects on the need to “simply begin” the work.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: Segunda Quimbamba Folkloric Center, Part 4
Abidel shares their experience traveling with SQFC’s performing company, 2Q, as they performed for and engaged with their community through Puerto Rican music and dance lecture demonstrations.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: Segunda Quimbamba Folkloric Center, Part 3
Abdiel details the warm welcome they received into the movements, rhythms, sounds, and community of SQFC and their performance company 2Q.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: JazzAntiqua, Part 3
In her third blog post, Blair Black compares the pros, cons, and use scenarios of Airtable and Archivists’ Toolkit (AT), two database options she has considered for JazzAntiqua’s archive project.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: Segunda Quimbamba Folkloric Center, Part 2
In their second post, Abdiel outlines the materials they encountered creating the SQFC inventory and shares highlights and photos of special materials they found.
Archiving Fellowships Blog: Jennifer Harge/Harge Dance Stories, Part 3
In her final blog post, Laila Franklin discusses the somewhat untraditional development of the inventory and AirTable database system for Jennifer Harge’s archive.